We set

decisive impulses for innovations.

The Digital Hub Management is a non-profit organization that aims to promote Dortmund as a location for innovation and research and to support the transfer of innovative technologies and research results into the economy.


Digital Hub Management is involved in the establishment, coordination and management of networks, initiatives and projects that operate on a local, regional, national or international level. One focus is on digitization, digital technologies and data, which have a positive impact as cross-sectional functions in all industries and economic sectors, but especially in logistics, production, trade and information technology.


In our unique ecosystem of digital transformation, we connect experts from science, business and society at regional, national and European level.


We accompany digitization processes and support the industry in developing business and operating models for the use of digital technologies.


We ensure that our partners can work with the latest and best methods and technologies for a fast implementation of their research and innovation projects.


Through our innovation network, we give our partners access to state-of-the-art research and application centers where science and business can jointly transform ideas directly into tangible prototypes.


Digital Hub Management is supported by the three shareholders Digital Hub Logistics Association, International Data Spaces Association, and the Open Logistics Foundation. All three are non-profit organizations. Digital Hub Management is advised by the Board of Directors of the shareholders.

Digital Hub Logistics Association

Members of the Digital Hub Logistics Association are companies and organizations that are interested in innovations and digital technologies in and for logistics. Further, they support the unique logistics and IT innovation ecosystem in the Dortmund region and the campus around the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics IML and TU Dortmund University.
Board of the Digital Hub Logistics Association:

Dr. Stephan Peters
Rhenus Group

Markus Bangen

Markus Bangen
Duisburger Hafen AG

Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Michael Henke
Fraunhofer IML

Porträt Christopher Kirsch

Christopher Kirsch

International Data Spaces Association

The approximately 140 members from over 25 countries of International Data Spaces Association work together on standards and rules for the sovereign sharing of data in data ecosystems and value creation networks.
Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Board of International Data Spaces Association:

Dr. Reinhold Achatz
Unity AG

Prof. Dr. Boris Otto
Fraunhofer ISST

Ulrich Ahle

Ulrich Ahle

Open Logistics Foundation

The Open Logistics Foundation and its support association are dedicated to the joint development and implementation of open-source software for logistics.
Board of the Open Logistics Foundation:

Christa Koenen
DB Schenker

Stefan Hohm

Stefan Hohm

Dr. Stephan Peters
Rhenus Group

Scientific advisor

In addition, Prof. Dr Dr h. c. Michael ten Hompel has been advising the Digital Hub Management since its foundation in 2010.

Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Michael ten Hompel
Fraunhofer IML, Lamarr-Institute, TU Dortmund University

Gender Equality Plan

Digital Hub Management GmbH (DHM) is aware of its responsibility and would like to make its contribution to equal opportunities work.
This equality plan was completely redesigned and developed by a working group of employees.


We have been dealing with the opportunities and challenges of digitization for many years – nationally and internationally. With our know-how, we also drive your projects forward and establish new networks.

Staff members

Maria Beck

Maria Beck

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Anna Derevianko

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Charlotte Edzard

Charlotte Edzard

Innovation + Network

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Domenic Franke


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Thorsten Hülsmann

Thorsten Hülsmann

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Susanne Immel

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Karina Kampert

Karina Kampert

Marketing + Communication
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Portrait Ellen Sünkeler

Ellen Sünkeler

Advisor Innovation Coaching
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Portrait Kamar Aden Omar

Kamar Aden Omar

Project Management
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Melissa Kohnen

Melissa Kohnen

Marketing + Communication
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Christian Prasse

Christian Prasse

Advisor Innovation Coaching
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Matthias Wehbring

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Nafiseh Shadman

Aynur Arslan-Bilgin

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Nafiseh Shadman

Sabrina Bayer

Human Resources
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Nafiseh Shadman

Nafiseh Shadman

Graphic Design
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Strategic advisors

Lars Nagel

Advisor Strategic Affairs
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Portrait Andreas Nettsträter

Andreas Nettsträter

Advisor Strategic Affairs
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Porträt Sebastian Steinbuss

Sebastian Steinbuss

Advisor Strategic Affairs
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Carina Tüllmann

Advisor Strategic Affairs
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