We make

innovations tangible.

Networking experts, implementing and supporting processes, managing networks: The range of services offered by Digital Hub Management is broad. We have successfully set up and implemented the following national and international projects.

Digital beacons.

In most of the strategic initiatives and flagship projects we orchestrate, new forms of collaboration between science and industry are being tested and established. We present six outstanding projects in more detail here.

At the Digital Hub Logistics, Europe’s best Digital Innovation Hub, innovation experts accompany and advise digital teams of medium-sized companies in setting up digital business.

The Digital Logistics Award, one of the most important awards for start-ups in logistics, recognizes and promotes creative business solutions for the digital working world in logistics.

With the competence center “Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Ruhr-OWL“, SMEs can tackle digitization and open up new business areas of Industry 4.0.

EffizienzCluster LogistikRuhr: In the German government’s leading-edge cluster, 120 companies and eleven research institutions conducted research for the logistics of tomorrow in a total of 30 research projects with a total volume of 100 million euros.

The International Data Spaces Association (IDSA) – a non-profit association with more than 100 members from 20 countries – is driving the development of an international standard for data sovereignty.

In the Leistungszentrum Logistik und IT, interdisciplinary and cross-institutional research groups drive forward future topics in logistics and information logistics.


The European Digital Innovation Hub Dortmund supports SME’s on their way into the digital future. The Dortmund Innovation Center EDIH-DO focuses on supporting companies in the application areas of logistics, manufacturing and production. 


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Thorsten Hülsmann

Maria Beck